Randy Dodge
2003-11-14 01:31:19 UTC
This is the FIRST OFFICIAL CALL FOR VOTES for the creation
of the newsgroup "nf.sports" - voting instructions at the end of this
There will be one followup CFV in one week.
The group is to be unmoderated. That is, all who wish to join
may freely do so, however articles will be monitored for conformance
to charter.
* * * * * * * * * * CHARTER * * * * * * * * * *
Charter for nf.sports
Name: nf.sports (nf is the official hierarchy for NF & Lab )
Moderation: unmoderated, but monitored for content
Purpose: Sports topics for Newfoundland and Labrador
* * * * * * * * * * CHARTER * * * * * * * * * *
Appropriate topics for nf.sports include discussion, announcements, questions
and comments about sports ( not limited to local ) for residents of
Newfoundland and Labrador [ or of particular interest to Newfoundland and
Labrador sports], including open discussion pertaining to national sports
such as hockey, basketball, football, etc.
Unless provided for by another newsgroup, all NF/LAB sports-related topics
must be posted to nf.sports - no cross-posting articles to other groups
except for Public Service announcements.
Postings of other sports-related topics should be taken to Usenet newsgroups
relevant to the sport involved
In accordance with current Usenet guidelines, SPAM is prohibited.
Commercial posts should be relevant, short and infrequent (not more than once
per week). A link to a website, or an e-mail address should be posted rather
than extensive promotional material.
For Sale and Wanted-to-Buy posts by individuals are acceptable for directly
related items (hockey/soccer/baseball/basketball/tennis/MA equipment, etc. )
otherwise nf.wanted should be used for all other articles for sale/wanted. No
scalping of sports/related event tickets.
Binary files should not be posted to this newsgroup and will be cancelled
without notice. Binary material (sound files, pictures, etc) should instead be
mounted on a webpage and its URL posted.
When replying to an article, PLEASE cut as much from the original article
as possible (within reason to maintain context) rather than adding a line or
two to a 400 line posting. Also be aware that should a thread become nasty,
the entire thread may be cancelled. You can avoid that mass-cancel by not
including the offending article. Explicit foul language will always get
an article and all inclusions cancelled.
Articles should avoid foul language and have original content ( ie articles
whose only content is "LOL" followed by an included article should be avoided.
Personal attacks on individuals are discouraged STRONGLY. Animated discussions
are to be expected for hockey-team discussions, however it should be obvious
that such postings are fun-poking, opinion-disagreements and similar - the use
of smilie language is highly encouraged as a means to make such posting
intent obvious (some examples) -
:-) basic smilie - its's a joke or being sarcastic
;-) winky smilie - flirtatious or sarcastic
:-( frown - upset, depressed or didn't like a posting
:-I indifferent
:-> biting sarcastic remark, worse than a :-)
8-) sunglasses on, perhaps a real flame posting
:-D laughing at you
:-@ screaming
Users who persist in disregard of the mandate will be sanctioned.
* * * * * * * * * * VOTING INSTRUCTIONS * * * * * * * * * *
Duration: 14 days, Nov 14 - Nov 27 2003, 23:59 NST
Vote taker: ***@mun.ca (Randy Dodge)
Format: please see below.
Your vote must be sent by EMAIL to the address below. You must CLEARLY
state whether you are voting for or against the creation of
nf.sports according to the current charter and proposal above.
Voting will last for 14 days. Votes must be received on or before
Nov 27th 2003 in order to be counted. Vote results will NOT be available
until AFTER the voting period is over.
DO NOT SEND YOUR VOTE TO THE NEWSGROUP. It shall not be valid and will not be
If you wish to vote YES, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:
email to: ***@mun.ca
"I vote YES for the creation of nf.sports"
If you wish to vote NO, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:
email to: ***@mun.ca
"I vote NO against the creation of nf.sports"
You do not have to say exactly what the examples say as long as it is
clear whether you are voting YES for or NO against the creation of nf.sports .
It may be part of the subject or body section of your mail.
One vote per email address - you cannot cast votes "for me, my wife and
4 kids" in the same email. Each would have to send a separate email from
a distinct email address. Please include your real name in the email, these
will be kept confidential. Blatant attempts to bias the voting process may
result in cancellation of the vote.
Success of the vote will depend on total votes cast as well as vote ratio.
of the newsgroup "nf.sports" - voting instructions at the end of this
There will be one followup CFV in one week.
The group is to be unmoderated. That is, all who wish to join
may freely do so, however articles will be monitored for conformance
to charter.
* * * * * * * * * * CHARTER * * * * * * * * * *
Charter for nf.sports
Name: nf.sports (nf is the official hierarchy for NF & Lab )
Moderation: unmoderated, but monitored for content
Purpose: Sports topics for Newfoundland and Labrador
* * * * * * * * * * CHARTER * * * * * * * * * *
Appropriate topics for nf.sports include discussion, announcements, questions
and comments about sports ( not limited to local ) for residents of
Newfoundland and Labrador [ or of particular interest to Newfoundland and
Labrador sports], including open discussion pertaining to national sports
such as hockey, basketball, football, etc.
Unless provided for by another newsgroup, all NF/LAB sports-related topics
must be posted to nf.sports - no cross-posting articles to other groups
except for Public Service announcements.
Postings of other sports-related topics should be taken to Usenet newsgroups
relevant to the sport involved
In accordance with current Usenet guidelines, SPAM is prohibited.
Commercial posts should be relevant, short and infrequent (not more than once
per week). A link to a website, or an e-mail address should be posted rather
than extensive promotional material.
For Sale and Wanted-to-Buy posts by individuals are acceptable for directly
related items (hockey/soccer/baseball/basketball/tennis/MA equipment, etc. )
otherwise nf.wanted should be used for all other articles for sale/wanted. No
scalping of sports/related event tickets.
Binary files should not be posted to this newsgroup and will be cancelled
without notice. Binary material (sound files, pictures, etc) should instead be
mounted on a webpage and its URL posted.
When replying to an article, PLEASE cut as much from the original article
as possible (within reason to maintain context) rather than adding a line or
two to a 400 line posting. Also be aware that should a thread become nasty,
the entire thread may be cancelled. You can avoid that mass-cancel by not
including the offending article. Explicit foul language will always get
an article and all inclusions cancelled.
Articles should avoid foul language and have original content ( ie articles
whose only content is "LOL" followed by an included article should be avoided.
Personal attacks on individuals are discouraged STRONGLY. Animated discussions
are to be expected for hockey-team discussions, however it should be obvious
that such postings are fun-poking, opinion-disagreements and similar - the use
of smilie language is highly encouraged as a means to make such posting
intent obvious (some examples) -
:-) basic smilie - its's a joke or being sarcastic
;-) winky smilie - flirtatious or sarcastic
:-( frown - upset, depressed or didn't like a posting
:-I indifferent
:-> biting sarcastic remark, worse than a :-)
:-> devilish remark
:;-> lewd ?8-) sunglasses on, perhaps a real flame posting
:-D laughing at you
:-@ screaming
Users who persist in disregard of the mandate will be sanctioned.
* * * * * * * * * * VOTING INSTRUCTIONS * * * * * * * * * *
Duration: 14 days, Nov 14 - Nov 27 2003, 23:59 NST
Vote taker: ***@mun.ca (Randy Dodge)
Format: please see below.
Your vote must be sent by EMAIL to the address below. You must CLEARLY
state whether you are voting for or against the creation of
nf.sports according to the current charter and proposal above.
Voting will last for 14 days. Votes must be received on or before
Nov 27th 2003 in order to be counted. Vote results will NOT be available
until AFTER the voting period is over.
DO NOT SEND YOUR VOTE TO THE NEWSGROUP. It shall not be valid and will not be
If you wish to vote YES, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:
email to: ***@mun.ca
"I vote YES for the creation of nf.sports"
If you wish to vote NO, send your vote to the address below with
the subject and message stating it clearly, for example:
email to: ***@mun.ca
"I vote NO against the creation of nf.sports"
You do not have to say exactly what the examples say as long as it is
clear whether you are voting YES for or NO against the creation of nf.sports .
It may be part of the subject or body section of your mail.
One vote per email address - you cannot cast votes "for me, my wife and
4 kids" in the same email. Each would have to send a separate email from
a distinct email address. Please include your real name in the email, these
will be kept confidential. Blatant attempts to bias the voting process may
result in cancellation of the vote.
Success of the vote will depend on total votes cast as well as vote ratio.
Randy Dodge, Manager Technical Support, Computing & Communications
Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador Canada
randy at mun dot ca
Randy Dodge, Manager Technical Support, Computing & Communications
Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador Canada
randy at mun dot ca