Another guitar poll
(too old to reply)
2003-10-02 12:31:54 UTC
I've tried several times on nf.config to start such a group, to no avail.
I think it would be a quite popular group considering the amount of talent
among Newfoudlanders.
It wouldn't be confined to musicians or tradional music either. Could
encompass all the genres of music from provincial bands, musical item for
sale, who's playing where, et al etc...
Please post at nf.config if anyone else would like to see this sort of group
More the better
Why not start off with a local guitar/musician newsgroup first? See how
people there are out there who can play. Then think about getting them
I'm curious to find out how much interest there would be in arranging an
open invitation guitar jam amongst any players, in the St.John's area,
reading this NG . I'm thinking some outdoor park with a free gazebo,in
of weather and some power handy for amps. Would be nice to have all
with PA and an electric bass and any amount of harmonicas, fiddles,
tambourines, borangs or asst percussion.
Call it the First Annual Newfoundland and Labrador 6 String Circle
Trevor Kearsey
2003-10-02 12:53:46 UTC
As a beginner guitarist, I'd like to see such a group formed. Maybe people
can share pointers and stuff.
Post by Rawsput
I've tried several times on nf.config to start such a group, to no avail.
I think it would be a quite popular group considering the amount of talent
among Newfoudlanders.
It wouldn't be confined to musicians or tradional music either. Could
encompass all the genres of music from provincial bands, musical item for
sale, who's playing where, et al etc...
Please post at nf.config if anyone else would like to see this sort of group
More the better
Why not start off with a local guitar/musician newsgroup first? See how
people there are out there who can play. Then think about getting them
I'm curious to find out how much interest there would be in arranging an
open invitation guitar jam amongst any players, in the St.John's area,
reading this NG . I'm thinking some outdoor park with a free gazebo,in
of weather and some power handy for amps. Would be nice to have all
with PA and an electric bass and any amount of harmonicas, fiddles,
tambourines, borangs or asst percussion.
Call it the First Annual Newfoundland and Labrador 6 String Circle
2003-10-02 14:37:31 UTC
Post by Rawsput
I've tried several times on nf.config to start such a group, to no avail.
I think it would be a quite popular group considering the amount of talent
among Newfoudlanders.
I'm starting to believe that our moderator Randy Dodge is having an "issue"
with the idea of new groups forming under the nf.* hierarchy. I've seen your
post about nf.music, and I've recently made a post in nf.config about
starting a new newsgroup for sports (given the number of people who complain
about the sports posts on nf.general during the year). I sent the same post
to his e-mail address, but he hasn't yet had the courtesy to respond to me
in either medium, despite the fact he has made a post on nf.comp.misc AFTER
I sent the e-mail. I have no idea if I've gone about trying to start a
newsgroup properly, nor do I know where to look if I have not, because he
doesn't seem to want to respond.

Randy Dodge
2003-10-02 16:56:20 UTC
Post by Christopher
Post by Rawsput
I've tried several times on nf.config to start such a group, to no avail.
I think it would be a quite popular group considering the amount of talent
among Newfoudlanders.
I'm starting to believe that our moderator Randy Dodge is having an "issue"
with the idea of new groups forming under the nf.* hierarchy. I've seen your
post about nf.music, and I've recently made a post in nf.config about
starting a new newsgroup for sports (given the number of people who complain
about the sports posts on nf.general during the year). I sent the same post
to his e-mail address, but he hasn't yet had the courtesy to respond to me
in either medium, despite the fact he has made a post on nf.comp.misc AFTER
I sent the e-mail. I have no idea if I've gone about trying to start a
newsgroup properly, nor do I know where to look if I have not, because he
doesn't seem to want to respond.
Perhaps if you'd send the email to the correct address I'd see it sooner.
The posting host I use for news gets too much spam and so I don't read mail
there very often, whereas the address I put in my signature is my primary
contact address - randy at mun dot ca

The procedure for new newsgroup creation for nf and sj is loosely as
follows -

Post a call for interest in the group you're trying to get started into
nf.config with a notice of such in other groups where people interested
in such a new group would likely "hang out", nf.general for example.

If there sufficient interest shown by the discussion in nf.config to
warrant creation of such a group, the next step is to discuss the
mandate - what's ok, what's not, what can be cancelled, etc.

With agreement of mandate, a call for vote can be made. If a vote is
called, you'll need a vote sponsor (I've done all of the previous ones).
If the vote passes by usual Usenet rules (minimal number of valid votes,
percentages, etc) a newsadmin can be asked to create the group (aagin, I've
done all the previous ones).

The real work starts after the creation of a new group - getting sites to
carry it, which will determine the viability of the group. No site is
required to carry regional groups such as nf and sj.

I don't believe any of the recent "anyone interested" calls had any
expression of interest.

I'd like to see a nf.sports group, but only if meant that the current
discussions were moved there and it didn't turn into continuous pissing
matches. If people continue to post in nf.general then there's little point
in having a separate group. Nf.sports could be an ideal newsgroup for many
of the people hanging-out in nf.general, given the interest in sports for
a large part of the population.

I can provide mandate templates if you get that far and will agree to host
the vote and creation duties.
Randy Dodge, Manager Technical Support, Computing & Communications
Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador Canada
randy at mun dot ca
2003-10-02 18:19:01 UTC
Post by Randy Dodge
Perhaps if you'd send the email to the correct address I'd see it sooner.
The posting host I use for news gets too much spam and so I don't read mail
there very often, whereas the address I put in my signature is my primary
contact address - randy at mun dot ca
randy at mun dot ca: That is the address I sent it to originally. I've
forwarded the message to you again, you can check the headers from the
orignal message yourself. Is it possible it somehow got lost in the
aftermath of Hurrican Juan, or you deleted thinking it was spam? Regardless,
I've sent it to you again.
Post by Randy Dodge
The procedure for new newsgroup creation for nf and sj is loosely as
follows -
Post a call for interest in the group you're trying to get started into
nf.config with a notice of such in other groups where people interested
in such a new group would likely "hang out", nf.general for example.
Consider it done.
Post by Randy Dodge
I don't believe any of the recent "anyone interested" calls had any
expression of interest.
Actually without even posting it in this group, one person did reply to my
post in nf.config thinking it was a good idea.
Post by Randy Dodge
I'd like to see a nf.sports group, but only if meant that the current
discussions were moved there and it didn't turn into continuous pissing
matches. If people continue to post in nf.general then there's little point
in having a separate group. Nf.sports could be an ideal newsgroup for many
of the people hanging-out in nf.general, given the interest in sports for
a large part of the population.
Well, the pissing matches can be a lot of fun, but I do agree that they
don't have a place here in nf.general, hence why I've suggested the group. I
agree that that such a group would satisfy a niche for a fair number of
Post by Randy Dodge
I can provide mandate templates if you get that far and will agree to host
the vote and creation duties.
Absolutely. Let's see what the other denizens around here think. :)

2003-10-02 20:39:24 UTC
In the meantime, check out:
Its a very large forum, but there are many helpful and knowledgeable people
And consider this a vote in favour of the new local group, I think it is a
good idea.

Continue reading on narkive: