2003-10-02 12:31:54 UTC
I've tried several times on nf.config to start such a group, to no avail.
I think it would be a quite popular group considering the amount of talent
among Newfoudlanders.
It wouldn't be confined to musicians or tradional music either. Could
encompass all the genres of music from provincial bands, musical item for
sale, who's playing where, et al etc...
Please post at nf.config if anyone else would like to see this sort of group
More the better
I think it would be a quite popular group considering the amount of talent
among Newfoudlanders.
It wouldn't be confined to musicians or tradional music either. Could
encompass all the genres of music from provincial bands, musical item for
sale, who's playing where, et al etc...
Please post at nf.config if anyone else would like to see this sort of group
More the better
Why not start off with a local guitar/musician newsgroup first? See how
manypeople there are out there who can play. Then think about getting them
I'm curious to find out how much interest there would be in arranging an
open invitation guitar jam amongst any players, in the St.John's area,
reading this NG . I'm thinking some outdoor park with a free gazebo,in
caseopen invitation guitar jam amongst any players, in the St.John's area,
reading this NG . I'm thinking some outdoor park with a free gazebo,in
of weather and some power handy for amps. Would be nice to have all
acousticwith PA and an electric bass and any amount of harmonicas, fiddles,
tambourines, borangs or asst percussion.
Call it the First Annual Newfoundland and Labrador 6 String Circle
tambourines, borangs or asst percussion.
Call it the First Annual Newfoundland and Labrador 6 String Circle