Persistent Business Advertising.
(too old to reply)
D. Winsor
2005-08-19 10:36:02 UTC
I applaud the recent administrative activity geared towards purging
nf.wanted of business advertising. Personally I think the persistent and
vocal violators should be persistently reported to their ISPs until they are
forced to stop. Perhaps, if we're lucky, their ISPs will charge them
commercial access rates to their accounts. Now, what can be done about the
bloody whacko cross-posters?
2005-08-19 11:35:25 UTC
I agree with the banishment of those who advertise their legitimate
businesses in the group. But there is a fine line to be walked when banning
those like Rono or Allan just to name a few who obviously work in the
computer field and have access to a various parts that they can turn around
and sell at a reasonable price. No doubt it could be dubbed a side
business. However, in my 13 years hanging around this NG it has been the
cheap availability of computer parts that has kept it going. Perhaps a NG
for computer part sales only is warranted.

I agree with Winsor, a much more problematic issue is the whacko X posters.
Like I've said, I've been a faithful user of the NF. hierarchy for 13 years
and this is the first year that I've blocked senders. I have well over 200
on my list - and that's only since my last fresh install.

Just my 2 cents worth...I'll even let it go for 1 cent ONO ;-)

Post by D. Winsor
I applaud the recent administrative activity geared towards purging
nf.wanted of business advertising. Personally I think the persistent and
vocal violators should be persistently reported to their ISPs until they
are forced to stop. Perhaps, if we're lucky, their ISPs will charge them
commercial access rates to their accounts. Now, what can be done about the
bloody whacko cross-posters?
D. Winsor
2005-08-19 12:13:36 UTC
"Snipe" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:1ujNe.77102$***@ursa-nb00s0.nbnet.nb.ca...
"I agree with Winsor, a much more problematic issue is the whacko X posters.
Like I've said, I've been a faithful user of the NF. hierarchy for 13 years
and this is the first year that I've blocked senders. I have well over 200
on my list - and that's only since my last fresh install."

NL Classifieds are running their business through the NG.
D. Winsor
2005-08-19 12:21:45 UTC
"Snipe" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:1ujNe.77102$***@ursa-nb00s0.nbnet.nb.ca...
" agree with the banishment of those who advertise their legitimate
businesses in the group. But there is a fine line to be walked when banning
those like Rono or Allan just to name a few who obviously work in the
computer field and have access to a various parts that they can turn around
and sell at a reasonable price."

I think Rono crossed that line when he went into general electronics. I
don't see why a mandate allowed signature to their posts isn't enough for
these people. Besides, look at the people operating fulltime "needle to
anchor" operations on nf.wanted.
2005-08-21 17:03:00 UTC
Post by Snipe
I agree with the banishment of those who advertise their legitimate
businesses in the group. But there is a fine line to be walked when
banning those like Rono or Allan just to name a few who obviously work in
the computer field and have access to a various parts that they can turn
around and sell at a reasonable price. No doubt it could be dubbed a side
business. However, in my 13 years hanging around this NG it has been the
cheap availability of computer parts that has kept it going. Perhaps a NG
for computer part sales only is warranted.
So how does this work now? I have never sold a picture via nf.wanted...but
if I had a few extras laying around, I couldn't offer to sell them on there
because it is my 'business' ?

I'm sure there are many people on there that make quite a bit of money from
selling certain things...and probably some of them make more money selling
stuff on nf.wanted than I do selling pictures in stores and to people
directly. It just seems that since I advertise myself as a "business" and
post a few pictures for sale on one occasion, I would get my posts deleted
when Joe Blow can sell a monitor one week, keyboard the next..DVD-Rs a day
later, etc.. etc..

I don't think this issue should be black and white
2005-08-21 16:53:48 UTC
Can I ask what makes Darryl's business advertising in nf.general much less
severe than someone advertising in nf.wanted?

D. Winsor
2005-08-21 17:23:23 UTC
"-TGP-" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:wk2Oe.77961$***@ursa-nb00s0.nbnet.nb.ca...
"Can I ask what makes Darryl's business advertising in nf.general much less
severe than someone advertising in nf.wanted?"

It doesn't. I've posted one copy of his menu because of the sport art
nature involved with it. In fact, I didn't post his entire menu when I did.
Darryl will get canceled like the rest. BTW, there's absolutely nothing
wrong with a business by-line signature with posts. That sort of thing is
well within the mandate.

Trav, you can pull all the supposed hypocrisies you like out your ass on
this one, but there are people advertising daily on all the NGs... That's a
problem. If you see him advertising, submit it to the moderator. Remember
that he also hosts a lot of charity games and such too. Those games are
also within the mandates.
Post by -TGP-
2005-08-21 17:38:08 UTC
Thank you for the clarification Dan.

Now, what about my post directed to Snipe. Have any insight on that? Am I
"allowed" as a small business owner who currently only sells enough of my
work to be used as spending money and to buy things for myself (i.e.
computer printer, DVD burner, cell phone ) etc... instead of making enough
for bills? Since I am a student. and my income isn't above a certain mark,
I even need to be registered as a business. Am I now forbidden to use
nf.wanted to sell some of my work if I ever felt like doing so? I don't see
why once every two months I would not be allowed to sell a matted picture
for $12, or a framed picture for $45, but people on there can sell computer
systems and video game systems for hundreds. I suppose since I have a
business website, a business name, and have been noticed by youth business
organizations, I would not be able to make the posts because I have a "small
business". No matter how much I make with it, nor how often I use the
newsgroup to sell items.

This is why I believe this should not be a black and white issue. People
who spam the newsgroup...sure, stop that. People like me who may make one
post that is business related each month or two (if that), I don't believe I
should have my ISP informed like you mentioned in your first post.

My $0.02
2005-08-21 17:40:25 UTC
"I even need to be registered as a business"

is supposed to be

"I don't even need to be registered as a business"
D. Winsor
2005-08-21 18:39:16 UTC
"-TGP-" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:d03Oe.77984$***@ursa-nb00s0.nbnet.nb.ca...

Do you have any common sense at all? If you occcasionally post something
for sale, who's going to notice? Rono and others often make multiple daily
posts... There's a huge difference. Jeezez, have you got that much of a
strick in your butt that you don't want to operate in the grey?
2005-08-21 18:57:54 UTC
Any need to get nasty Dan? Simmer down a bit. I asked a serious question.
If the problem (as this Barry fellow stated on nf.wanted) is due to the
posts being of a BUSINESS nature, then I simply asked if it effects me if I
I don't care if you sold 45 Million computers here last year, or if you
fixed 20 - 30 Billion more, the fact of the matter is, you were
advertising a home buisiness and I cancelled it.
THAT is why I asked.
D. Winsor
2005-08-21 20:23:33 UTC
"-TGP-" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:S84Oe.78011$***@ursa-nb00s0.nbnet.nb.ca...
" Any need to get nasty Dan?"

Where's the nasty? T, there's the letter of the law and there's the spirit
of the law. You're playing with the letter of the law like an obsessive

"Simmer down a bit."

Where's the heat? It's only in your own mind.

"I asked a serious question."

No, it's not a serious question. Look at who "Barry" is speaking to. Are
you seriously gonna compare your's or Darryl's use of the NGs to Rono?

"If the problem (as this Barry fellow stated on nf.wanted) is due to the
posts being of a BUSINESS nature, then I simply asked if it effects me if I
only post sometimes."

Why would you be an exception unless you make yourself appear to be one?

"The post I read this morning had "Barry" sayd this: " I don't care if you
sold 45 Million computers here last year, or if you fixed 20 - 30 Billion
more, the fact of the matter is, you were advertising a home buisiness and I
cancelled it.""

"THAT is why I asked."

So you get cancelled? What's the big deal?
Post by -TGP-
2005-08-23 18:21:51 UTC
Why is it that I can't see the posts by Dan? Not easy to respond when you
only see one half of a conversation.

Post by -TGP-
Any need to get nasty Dan? Simmer down a bit. I asked a serious
question. If the problem (as this Barry fellow stated on nf.wanted) is due
to the posts being of a BUSINESS nature, then I simply asked if it effects
me if I only post sometimes. The post I read this morning had "Barry"
I don't care if you sold 45 Million computers here last year, or if you
fixed 20 - 30 Billion more, the fact of the matter is, you were
advertising a home buisiness and I cancelled it.
THAT is why I asked.
D. Winsor
2005-08-24 11:15:10 UTC
"Snipe" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:3PJOe.78892$***@ursa-nb00s0.nbnet.nb.ca...
" Why is it that I can't see the posts by Dan? Not easy to respond when you
only see one half of a conversation."

Do you see TGP's post now?

D. Winsor
2005-08-24 11:13:38 UTC
Post by -TGP-
Any need to get nasty Dan? Simmer down a bit. I asked a serious
question. If the problem (as this Barry fellow stated on nf.wanted) is due
to the posts being of a BUSINESS nature, then I simply asked if it effects
me if I only post sometimes. The post I read this morning had "Barry"
I don't care if you sold 45 Million computers here last year, or if you
fixed 20 - 30 Billion more, the fact of the matter is, you were
advertising a home buisiness and I cancelled it.
THAT is why I asked.
Darryl Harding
2005-08-22 14:46:01 UTC
y is that???????

can u clarify for me or did ms foote take care of that for you too

Post by -TGP-
"I even need to be registered as a business"
is supposed to be
"I don't even need to be registered as a business"
2005-08-22 15:49:09 UTC
Post by Darryl Harding
y is that???????
can u clarify for me or did ms foote take care of that for you too
How would Ms. Foote have anything to do with that? What would be the
difference in here and the 6 other locations that sell my pictures?

And even though you are trying to be a prick about it, I'll answer anyway.
As a student with limited income, and a business that makes an amount of
money below a certain point. I do not need to register it, nor pay business
tax. If I was making money off the backs of people, and able to pay bills
from my business as you do..then I would indeed need to pay these fees.

Don't worry Darryl, all this has been checked into long ago.
D. Winsor
2005-08-22 18:44:46 UTC
"-TGP-" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:VtmOe.78320$***@ursa-nb00s0.nbnet.nb.ca...
"And even though you are trying to be a prick about it, I'll answer anyway."

Actually, since you were the first to bring a specific person's name into
it, I'd say you're being the prick here.

"As a student with limited income, and a business that makes an amount of
money below a certain point. I do not need to register it, nor pay business

Actually, though you don't need to register for GST purposes, if you're
operating a business which is unregistered and paying no tax, you have to
declare a sole proprietership and submit your sales records as part of your
personal income tax. If you are using your personal car and haven't
informed your insurance company, you could be begging problems too.

"If I was making money off the backs of people, and able to pay bills from
my business as you do..then I would indeed need to pay these fees."

There is no fee to register your business. Indeed, the only thing you've
done is keep your own GST high. I don't think you've checked too too far
into this if you think you don't have to pay taxes on your income.
2005-08-22 19:03:32 UTC
Post by D. Winsor
There is no fee to register your business. Indeed, the only thing you've
done is keep your own GST high. I don't think you've checked too too far
into this if you think you don't have to pay taxes on your income.
I am not discussing the ins and outs of my personal life on this newsgroup,
or any other. If you want clarification email me, or MSN me.
D. Winsor
2005-08-24 11:14:03 UTC
Post by -TGP-
Post by D. Winsor
There is no fee to register your business. Indeed, the only thing you've
done is keep your own GST high. I don't think you've checked too too far
into this if you think you don't have to pay taxes on your income.
I am not discussing the ins and outs of my personal life on this
newsgroup, or any other. If you want clarification email me, or MSN me.
D. Winsor
2005-08-24 11:13:49 UTC
Post by -TGP-
Post by Darryl Harding
y is that???????
can u clarify for me or did ms foote take care of that for you too
How would Ms. Foote have anything to do with that? What would be the
difference in here and the 6 other locations that sell my pictures?
And even though you are trying to be a prick about it, I'll answer anyway.
As a student with limited income, and a business that makes an amount of
money below a certain point. I do not need to register it, nor pay
business tax. If I was making money off the backs of people, and able to
pay bills from my business as you do..then I would indeed need to pay
these fees.
Don't worry Darryl, all this has been checked into long ago.
D. Winsor
2005-08-24 11:13:25 UTC
Post by -TGP-
"I even need to be registered as a business"
is supposed to be
"I don't even need to be registered as a business"
D. Winsor
2005-08-24 11:13:14 UTC
Post by -TGP-
Thank you for the clarification Dan.
Now, what about my post directed to Snipe. Have any insight on that? Am
I "allowed" as a small business owner who currently only sells enough of
my work to be used as spending money and to buy things for myself (i.e.
computer printer, DVD burner, cell phone ) etc... instead of making enough
for bills? Since I am a student. and my income isn't above a certain
mark, I even need to be registered as a business. Am I now forbidden to
use nf.wanted to sell some of my work if I ever felt like doing so? I
don't see why once every two months I would not be allowed to sell a
matted picture for $12, or a framed picture for $45, but people on there
can sell computer systems and video game systems for hundreds. I suppose
since I have a business website, a business name, and have been noticed by
youth business organizations, I would not be able to make the posts
because I have a "small business". No matter how much I make with it, nor
how often I use the newsgroup to sell items.
This is why I believe this should not be a black and white issue. People
who spam the newsgroup...sure, stop that. People like me who may make one
post that is business related each month or two (if that), I don't believe
I should have my ISP informed like you mentioned in your first post.
My $0.02
Darryl Harding
2005-08-22 14:45:01 UTC
hahahahaah are you that bothered by me hahah that you have to post my
name in nf config, about something that was posted in nf general, by a
complaint about you in nf wanted hahahaha

grow up my son and get out from under your mother cotatails..hahahahah

you sad little boy....

got any pics of helicopters ???


Post by -TGP-
Can I ask what makes Darryl's business advertising in nf.general much less
severe than someone advertising in nf.wanted?
2005-08-22 15:50:03 UTC
Complaint about ME in nf.wanted? I have yet to post anything business
related in nf.wanted. Get your facts straight.
D. Winsor
2005-08-24 11:14:24 UTC
Post by -TGP-
Complaint about ME in nf.wanted? I have yet to post anything business
related in nf.wanted. Get your facts straight.